Creepy-licious Bats

Cream the sugars and cream cheese with an electric mixer. Scrape down the sides of the bowl often to keep mixture smooth. Slowly add the milk until fondue reaches the appropriate consistency.

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August 23, 2015 at 4:25:26 PM PDT August 23, 2015 at 4:25:26 PM PDTrd, August 23, 2015 at 4:25:26 PM PDT
Kids will love creating their own chocolatey bats.


  • Nutter Butter cookies
  • Sephra Melano Dark Chocolate


Cover cookie sheet with wax paper. Melt Sephra Melano Dark Chocolate in a small bowl. Cover Nutter Butter cookies with chocolate. Let excess chocolate drip from cookie and place on wax paper. Place tray of cookies in the fridge to harden. Once chocolate has set, remove cookies and let your little trick-or-treaters decorate the bats with fun faces using gel frosting. A Twist: You can also decorate the bats with candy. Do this by letting the chocolate set only slightly before adding candy. Then let the bats harden in refrigerator before serving.