Hazelnut Fondue

Most brands of light ranch dressing will be thin enough to run through the fountain. If regular ranch is being used or if the light ranch is too thick, gradually add milk until fondue reaches appropriate consistency

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August 23, 2015 at 4:25:26 PM PDT August 23, 2015 at 4:25:26 PM PDTrd, August 23, 2015 at 4:25:26 PM PDT
A classic European flavor combination.


  • 32 oz. hazelnut spread (ie. Nutella)
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil*
  • 2 lbs. (1 bag) Sephra Belgian Dark Chocolate, melted


Melt hazelnut spread on half-power. Slowly stir in oil until spread reaches consistency of melted Sephra chocolate. Stir in melted chocolate. If fondue still seems thick or takes longer than 10 seconds to run through your viscosity funnel, thin with additional oil. *More or less oil may be needed, depending on the brand of hazelnut spread used. Yield: Enough to run through the largest home fountains. Multiply quantities by 4 for large commercial fountains. Note: Select fountains hold 5-7 cups of fondue; Classic, Elite, and Signature fountains hold 7-9 cups.